1. 電氣安全性:包括絕緣電阻測試、漏電保護裝置測試等。
2. 工作性能:包括焊接電流輸出準確性、電壓穩(wěn)定性等。
1. 正規(guī)技術團隊,具備豐富的電焊設備檢測經驗。
2. 檢測過程規(guī)范,確保數據準確可靠。
3. 提供檢測報告,幫助客戶了解設備狀態(tài)和維護需求。
GB/T 8118-2010 電弧焊機通用技術條件The general specification for arc welding machines
GB/T 13165-2010 電弧焊機噪聲測定方法Methods of measurement on noise emitted by arc welding machine
JJF (機械) 1025-2019 電弧焊機和電阻焊機參數校準規(guī)范
CNS 2786-2006 交流電弧電焊機AC electric arc welding machines
QC/T 886-2011 電弧焊銷
QC/T 886-2011(2017) 電弧焊銷Weld studs for arc welding
CNS 5029-2006 小型交流電弧電焊機Light duty AC arc welding machines
GB/T 19867.1-2005 電弧焊焊接工藝規(guī)程Welding procedure specification for arc welding
CNS 5028-1984 穩(wěn)流整流式直流電弧電焊機Rectifier Type DC Arc Welding Machines with Drooping Characteristic
TB/T 1631-2002 鋼軌電弧焊補技術條件
CNS 6447-1995 配管用電弧焊碳鋼鋼管Arc Welded Carbon Steel Pipes
CNS 13404-1994 電弧焊鋼管超音波檢測法Method of Ultrasonic Test for Arc Welded Steel Pipes
TB/T 3083-2003 高錳鋼轍叉電弧焊補技術條件Specification for arc welding repair of high manganese steel crossing
GB/T 33434-2016 船舶電弧焊煙塵排放率測定方法
CB/T 1119-1996 手工電弧焊剛性對接裂紋試驗方法
GB/T 39281-2020 氣體保護電弧焊用高強鋼實心焊絲
GB/T 39279-2020 氣體保護電弧焊用熱強鋼實心焊絲
GB/T 31908-2015 電弧焊和等離子焊接、切割用鎢電極
CNS 14598-2014 電熱氣體電弧焊接用包藥焊線Flux cored wires for electrogas arc welding
CNS 15876-1-2016 金屬材料焊接程序規(guī)范書及其檢定-焊接程序試驗-第1部:鋼的電弧焊接及氣焊、鎳及鎳合金的電弧焊接Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ? Welding procedure tests ? Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys
WJ 1756-1987 制造裝甲車輛電弧焊接與火焰切割基本規(guī)則
JT/Z 4005-1980 柴油機零部件電弧焊補修復工藝
GB/T 985.1-2008 氣焊、焊條電弧焊、氣體保護焊和高能束焊的推薦坡口Recommended joint preparation for gas welding,manual metal arc welding,gas-shield arc welding and beam welding
JB/T 8086-2015(2017) 摩擦焊機
GB/T 25305-2010 縫焊機Seam welding machines
JB/T 8086-2015 摩擦焊機
CNS 14599-2014 耐候鋼CO2氣體遮護電弧焊接用包藥焊線Flux cored wires for CO2 gas shielded arc welding of atmospheric corrosion resisting steel
SJ/T 10743-1996(2009) 惰性氣體保護電弧焊和等離子焊接,切割用鎢鈰電極Ceriated tungsten electrodes for inert gas arc welding and plasma welding and cutting
SJ/T 10743-1996(2017) 惰性氣體保護電弧焊和等離子焊接,切割用鎢鈰電極Ceriated tungsten electrodes for inert gas arc welding and plasma welding and cutting
JG/T 94-2013 鋼筋氣壓焊機Gas pressure welder for reinforcing steel bar