1. 焊縫寬度的測量
2. 焊縫長度的測量
3. 焊縫高度的測量
4. 各個尺寸之間的比例關(guān)系檢測
1. 精準度高:采用先進的檢測儀器和方法,能夠確保檢測結(jié)果的精準度。
2. 高效快速:檢測過程簡便快速,可以提高生產(chǎn)效率。
3. 提升質(zhì)量:通過對焊縫符號尺寸比例的檢測,可以提前發(fā)現(xiàn)問題并及時處理,提高焊接質(zhì)量。
GB/T 12212-2012 技術(shù)制圖 焊縫符號的尺寸、比例及簡化表示法Technical drawings - Dimensions,proportions and simplified representation for welding symbols
GB/T 39645-2020 技術(shù)制圖幾何公差符號的比例和尺寸
CB/T 860-1995 船舶焊縫符號
GB/T 324-2008 焊縫符號表示法Welds-symbolic representation on drawings
CNS 3-15-1994 工程制圖(幾何公差-符號之比例及尺度)Engineering Drawing (Geometrical Tolerancing - Proportions and Dimensions for Symbols)
GB/T 29711-2013 焊縫無損檢測 超聲檢測 焊縫中的顯示特征Non-destructive testing of welds.Ultrasonic testing.Characterization of indications in welds
GB/T 14690-1993 技術(shù)制圖 比例Technical drawings--Scales
GB/T 29711-2023 焊縫無損檢測 超聲檢測焊縫內(nèi)部不連續(xù)的特征Non-destructive testing of welds—Ultrasonic testing—Characterization of discontinuities in welds
GB/T 23865-2009 比例照相規(guī)則The scaled photography method
GB/T 26954-2011 焊縫無損檢測 基于復平面分析的焊縫渦流檢測Non-destructive testing of welds. Eddy current testing of welds by complex-plane analysis
GB/T 26953-2011 焊縫無損檢測 焊縫滲透檢測 驗收等級Non-destructive testing of welds. Penetrant testing of welds. Acceptance levels
GB/T 26952-2011 焊縫無損檢測 焊縫磁粉檢測 驗收等級Non-destructive testing of welds - Magnetic particle testing of welds - Acceptance levels
CB 1220-2005 921A等鋼焊接坡口基本形式及焊縫外形尺寸Normal forms of welding groove and outside size of welds for 921A steel etc.
GB/T 21386-2008 比例式減壓閥Ratio pressure reducing
CB 3403-1991(2017) 船用比例電磁鐵
QJ 3040A-2011 焊縫建檔規(guī)定
GB/T 18577.1-2008 土方機械 尺寸與符號的定義 第1部分:主機Earth-moving machinery--Definitions of dimensions and codes--Part 1:Base machine
CB/T 3444-1992 船用比例壓力先導閥
CB/T 3446-1992 船用比例溢流閥
CB 3403-1991 船用比例電磁鐵
JB/T 12396-2015(2017) 比例閥用電磁鐵
QB/T 1474.3-2005 繪圖儀尺 比例尺Drawing ruler -- Deduction flat ruler and triangle scale
GB/T 39789-2021 焊縫無損檢測金屬復合材料焊縫渦流視頻集成檢測方法
JB/T 12396-2015 比例閥用電磁鐵
JJF 1067-2014 工頻電壓比例標準裝置校準規(guī)范
GB/T 5587-2016 銀基電觸頭基本形狀、尺寸、符號及標注Basic shapes,dimensions,symbols and notations of silver based electrical contacts
GB/T 26955-2011 金屬材料焊縫破壞性試驗 焊縫宏觀和微觀檢驗Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds
GB/T 40732-2021 焊縫無損檢測 超聲檢測 奧氏體鋼和鎳基合金焊縫檢測Non-destructive testing of welds—Ultrasonic testing—Testing of welds in austenitic steels and nickel-based alloys
JJF 1068-2000 工頻電流比例標準裝置校準規(guī)范Calibration Specification for Sets of Current Ratio Standards at Power Frequency
QB/T 1474.3-2005(2014) 繪圖儀尺 比例尺Drawing ruler -- Deduction flat ruler and triangle scale