- 衛(wèi)生紙和紙巾
- 廚房用紙和清潔紙
- 農業(yè)用紙
- 醫(yī)療和實驗室用濾紙
- 包裝用紙和紙板
- 特種紙,如茶包紙、咖啡濾紙等
- 毛細吸液高度:液體在規(guī)定時間內通過紙張上升的最大高度。
- 吸液速率:液體上升速度的快慢,反映了紙張的即時吸水能力。
- 吸液均勻性:液體在紙張上上升的均勻程度,影響紙張使用時的性能表現(xiàn)。
- 吸液后紙張強度:吸水后紙張的物理強度變化,對于保持使用性能至關重要。
- 克列姆法吸液儀
- 該儀器用于模擬紙張在實際使用中的吸水情況,通過精確控制測試條件,測量液體在紙張上的上升高度。
- 電子天平
- 用于準確測量測試液體的體積,確保測試結果的準確性。
- 秒表
- 用于計時,記錄液體上升的時間,以計算吸液速率。
- 紙張強度測試儀
- 在吸液后,使用該儀器測試紙張的物理強度,如抗張強度和破裂強度。
- 正規(guī)性:我們的檢測團隊擁有豐富的行業(yè)經(jīng)驗和正規(guī)知識,確保測試結果的準確性和可靠性。
- 高效性:采用先進的檢測設備和方法,縮短測試周期,快速提供檢測報告。
- 定制化服務:根據(jù)客戶的具體需求,提供定制化的測試方案和解決方案。
- 質量保證:我們的檢測服務符合國際標準和行業(yè)規(guī)范,確保您的產品質量達到預期目標。
- 技術支持:提供正規(guī)的技術咨詢和后續(xù)服務,幫助客戶解決實際問題。
GB/T 461.1-2002 紙和紙板毛細吸液高度的測定(克列姆法)Paper and board determination of capillary rise-Klemm methods
QB/T 1662-2016 克列姆吸收性測定儀
CNS 2645-2008 紙及紙板吸水高度試驗法(毛細管吸水升高法或Klemm法)Method of test for water absorbency of paper and board (Capillary rise method or Klemm method)
CNS 6734-1980 30°角愛克姆螺紋銑刀Disk Type Milling Cutters for Cutting Acme - Screw Threads for Threads with Included Angle of 30°
GB/T 456-2002 紙和紙板平滑度的測定(別克法)Paper and board--Determination of smoothness(Bekk method)
GB/T 1545-2008 紙、紙板和紙漿 水抽提液酸度或堿度的測定Paper,board and pulp Determiantion of acidity or alkalinity
GB/T 7977-2007 紙、紙板和紙漿水抽提液電導率的測定Paper, board and pulps--Determination of conductivity of aqueous extracts
CNS 10471-1-1995 紙及紙板內污點試驗法Method of Test for Dirt in Paper and Paperboard
CNS 1352-2008 紙及紙板基重試驗法Method of test for grammage of paper and board
CNS 3687-2010 紙及紙板撥水度試驗法Method of test for water repellency of paper and board
CNS 15444-2011 紙漿、紙及紙板水溶性萃取液酸堿度試驗法(冷水萃取法)Method of test for pH of aqueous extracts of pulp, paper and board (Cold extraction method)
CNS 15445-2011 紙漿、紙及紙板水溶性萃取液酸堿度試驗法(熱水萃取法)Method of test for pH of aqueous extracts of pulp, paper and board (Hot extraction method)
CNS 13120-2008 紙及紙板平滑度試驗法(Bendtsen法)Method of test for smoothness of paper and board (Bendtsen method)
CNS 13314-2008 紙及紙板透氣度試驗法(Sheffield法)Methed of test for air permeance of paper and board (Sheffield method)
CNS 2513-2008 紙及紙板平滑度試驗法(Bekk法)Method of test for smoothness of paper and board (Bekk method)
CNS 7298-2009 紙及紙板吸水度試驗法(Cobb法)Method of test for water absorptiveness of paper and board (Cobb method)
GB/T 461.3-2005 紙和紙板 吸收性的測定(浸水法)Paper and board--Determination of water absorption(immersion in water)
GB/T 25002-2010 紙、紙板和紙漿 水抽提液中五氯苯酚的測定Paper,board and pulp--Determination of pentachlorophenol in an aqueous extract
CNS 1354-2009 紙及紙板抗張性質試驗法(擺錘法)Methed of test for tensile properties of paper and board (Pendulum mehod)
CNS 2054-2008 紙及紙板高破裂強度試驗法Method of test for high bursting strength of paper and board
GB/T 10335.5-2008 涂布紙和紙板 涂布箱紙板Coated paper and board--Coated linerboard
CNS 6950-2008 紙漿、紙及紙板灰分試驗法-900℃Methed of test for residue ash content of pulps, paper and board on ignition at 900℃
GB/T 1540-2002 紙和紙板吸水性的測定 可勃法Paper and board--Determination of water absorption--Cobb method
CNS 1357-2008 紙及紙板透氣性試驗法(Gurley法)Method of test for air permeance and air resisance of paper and board (Gurley method)
CNS 1353-2008 紙及紙板低破裂強度試驗法Methed of test for low bursting strength of paper and board
CNS 1356-2008 紙漿、紙及紙板灰分試驗法-525℃Methed of test for residue ash content of pulps, paper and board on ignition at 525℃
CNS 3685-2008 紙及紙板厚度及密度試驗法Method of test for thickness and apparent density of paper and board
CNS 1355-2016 紙及紙板撕裂強度試驗法 (Elmendorf 試驗法)Method of test for tearing resistance of paper and paperboard (Elmendorf method)
CNS 15239-2009 紙及紙板浸水破裂強度試驗法Method of test for bursting strength of paper and board after immersion in water
CNS 13146-2009 紙及紙板浸水吸水度試驗法Method of test for water absorptiveness of paper and board after immersion in water