- 介電常數(shù)
- 介質損耗因數(shù)
- 介電強度
- 全面評估油品絕緣性能,確保設備安全可靠運行。
- 快速高效的檢測過程,節(jié)約時間成本。
- 正規(guī)儀器和技術支持,確保檢測結果準確可靠。
- 幫助用戶了解油品的絕緣性能,為設備維護提供依據(jù)。
SY/T 6528-2002 巖樣介電常數(shù)測量方法Test method of the rock dielectric constant
WJ 2642-2004 固體火炸藥介電常數(shù)標準物質規(guī)范
GB/T 11297.11-2015 熱釋電材料介電常數(shù)的測試方法Test method for the dielectric constant of pyroelectric materials
GB/T 7265.2-1987 固體電介質微波復介電常數(shù)的測試方法Test method for the complex permittivity of solid dielectric materials at microwave frequencies--“Open cavity ” method
GB/T 5597-1999 固體電介質微波復介電常數(shù)的測試方法Test method for complex permittivity of solid dielectric materials at microwave frequencies
GB/T 12636-1990 微波介質基片復介電常數(shù)帶狀線 測試方法Stripline test method for complex permittivity of microwave dielectric substrates
SJ/T 11043-1996(2017) 電子玻璃高頻介質損耗和介電常數(shù)的測試方法Test method for high frequency dielectric losses and dielectric constant of electronic glass
SJ/T 11043-1996 電子玻璃高頻介質損耗和介電常數(shù)的測試方法Test method for high frequency dielectric losses and dielectric constant of electronic glass
JJF (電子) 0028-2019 低損耗介質材料復介電常數(shù)標準樣片校準規(guī)范
SJ/T 10143-1991(2017) 固體電介質微波復介電常數(shù)測試方法重入腔法
SJ/T 10143-1991(2009) 固體電介質微波復介電常數(shù)測試方法重入腔法
SJ 20512-1995 微波大損耗固體材料復介電常數(shù)和復磁導率測試方法Test methods for permittivity and permeability of microwave high loss solid materials
GB/T 7265.1-1987 固體電介質微波復介電常數(shù)的測試方法 微擾法Test method for complex permittivity of solid dielectric materials at microwave frequencies--Perturbation method
CNS 4860-1998 電子設備用陶瓷固定電容器(種類2:高介電常數(shù))Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric for use in electronic equipment (class 2)
GB/T 1693-2007 硫化橡膠 介電常數(shù)和介質損耗角正切值的測定方法Vulcanized rubber;Determination of dielectric constant and dielectric loss angular tangent value
SJ/T 10142-1991(2009) 電介質材料微波復介電常數(shù)測試方法 同軸線終端開路法
GB/T 11310-1989 壓電陶瓷材料性能測試方法 相對自由介電常數(shù)溫度特性的測試Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test methods for temperature characteristics of relative free dielectric constants
SJ/T 10142-1991(2017) 電介質材料微波復介電常數(shù)測試方法 同軸線終端開路法
GB/T 41483-2022 基于介電常數(shù)技術的液態(tài)危險化學品安全檢查儀通用技術要求General technical requirements for hazardous liquid chemicals security detectors based on dielectric constant
QJ 2220.4-1994 涂層電絕緣性能測試方法 工頻、音頻和高頻下相對介電常數(shù)的測試方法
GB/T 43801-2024 微波頻段覆銅箔層壓板相對介電常數(shù)和損耗正切值測試方法 分離介質諧振器法Measurement of relative permittivity and loss tangent for copper clad laminate at microwave frequency—Split post dielectric resonator method
CNS 7434-1981 桐油品質檢驗法Method of Test for Tung Oil Quality
GB/T 5594.4-2015 電子元器件結構陶瓷材料性能測試方法 第4部分:介電常數(shù)和介質損耗角正切值測試方法
SY/T 7355-2017 油品樣測溫用繩安全規(guī)范
GB 6951-1986 輕質油品裝油安全油面電位值Safe surface voltage of light fuel oil in tank filling operation
SN/T 5574-2023 進口油品固體廢物屬性鑒別規(guī)程
GB 6950-2001 輕質油品安全靜止電導率Safe rest conductivity of light fuel oil
JTJ 238-1999 裝卸油品碼頭防火設計規(guī)范Code for fire-prevention design of oil loading unloading terminals
SB/T 10816-2012 加油站非油品特許經(jīng)營管理規(guī)范Franchising operation & management specifications for non-fuel service of gas stations
GB 20951-2020 油品運輸大氣污染物排放標準Emission standard of air pollutant for gasoline transport